Opening Class


Dengan semangat dan keinginan besar untuk menaklukan market dan mendapatkan PROFIT, para peserta CAT Batch 25 mengikuti kelas dengan fokus dan mendalami semua edukasi yang diberikan oleh pengajar ahli dengan sangat serius.


Youths and adults unite in one batch, the XXI batch, Yes! Batch XXI with exactly XXI participants coming in from various cities on July 6th, 2018 gathered in class.

The candidate's waiting from the previous 4 months finally found their place at the opening of the class, yes ... with the crowd of candidates who came to make the class feel more alive and warm.

Explanations about what they got and what they would bring also seemed to be going on with crowded cheers from fellow participants.


Jakarta, Bali, Palangkaraya and many more cities of origin from XX batch, the first class from this batch was held in March 2018 and was attended by students from various cities.

It appears that the CAT batch XX candidate is busy opening and reading the learning material that the CAT team has given to the candidates the previous day, encouraging participants to begin the lesson of the day with enthusiasm.

And when the instructor arrived, the candidates are ready with their questions.


Chartered Astronacci Trader (CAT) is an exclusive educational program of PT Astronacci International that carries out a course of 12 months to become professional traders and other financial market practitioners.

This program consists of online and offline class learning which can make it easier for participants from various regions to learn together through live streams. This learning method can help candidates to participate actively in the question and answer session in class so that interactions between students and teachers can be well established.


CAT Institute holds a Meet and Greet with the candidates at the Astronacci Mansion on May 5th, 2018.

This Meet and Greet aims to re-establish the relationship between the entire CAT Institute extended family from batch I to Batch XX, share experiences and exchange stories from fellow candidates to become a scene that we could all enjoy.

Candidates who have not met for a long time can reunite with teachers and other candidates between batches. The class begins with a discussion of material on Astrology, Market Briefing and followed with the Question and Answer session before lunch break.


Chartered Astronacci Trader (CAT) is an exclusive educational program of PT Astronacci International in the form of a 12 month course to become professional traders and other financial market practitioners.

This program consists of online and offline class learning which makes it easier for participants from various regions to learn together through live streaming. This learning method can help candidates to participate actively in the Question and Answer session in class so that interactions between students and teachers can be well established.

This program was attended by many participants from various circles and with different age ranges, ranging from young to retired adults in the workforce. There has been a  total of 21 batches to date. Each student will be given an exam to get the certification and be declared to have passed the Chartered Astronacci Trader study program, hence graduates can compete in the era of the Asean Economic Community and can participate in advancing the world of Indonesian and world capital markets.

On April 24, 2018 Chartered Astronacci Trader celebrates graduations for students of Batch XIV and XV. A happy smile is reflected by students who have graduated.

They have struggled to get to the final stage in order to receive prestigious certification in the world of financial markets. Congratulations to students who have kept on going until the final stage to achieve graduation and certificate of Chartered Astronacci Trader. PT Astronacci International is proud of you all.

We're Proud Of You Guys